Spit test (saliva test) for candida: not as reliable as you might think

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Spit test (saliva test) for candida: not as reliable as you might think

The Spit Test Saliva Test – Not Recommended

The spit test or saliva test was marketed as a diagnostic test in the mid-90s by a pyramid company that sold candida treatments. The idea is to spit into a glass of water in the morning, and if there are strings in the water, it is supposed to indicate candida. But does this test actually work? Can you get a reliable result from the spit test?

No, this test does not work. There are many reasons why mucus in saliva may form strings: dry mouth, bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, cold weather, toxins, and so on. There are numerous factors that can cause thick mucus. The only reliable saliva test for Candida is one where a laboratory analyzes antibodies against candida, or alternatively, a blood test or stool test. Candida testing can also be performed within healthcare. In that case, a fungal culture is taken from the mouth to determine if candida is present and what type it is. The spit test, however, is not a reliable method for assessing whether you have candida.

Candida Can Be Eliminated

Candida is normally present in small amounts in everyone, but if it gets too much nourishment, if the immune system is weakened, and/or if the gut flora is imbalanced, there is a risk that candida will spread uncontrollably in the body.

If you have ever taken antibiotics in your life, there is a risk that you could have excess candida in your body. However, the extent or spread of candida cannot be determined simply from knowing that you have taken antibiotics at some point. Antibiotic use, together with symptoms, provides an indication of whether you may have candida.

Free Candida Protocol

It can take several months to get rid of Candida, and it usually requires changes in both lifestyle and the use of certain specific supplements. If you contact our customer service at [email protected], you will receive a very effective candida protocol completely free of charge.
