Short-term zinc deficiency impairs digestion

Short-term zinc deficiency impairs digestion

The mineral zinc influences several important functions in the metabolism of most living organisms. At the Technical University of Munich (TUM), researchers have discovered that even a mild zinc deficiency impairs digestion at an early stage.

As zinc is present in very small quantities in living beings, we must continuously obtain it through our diet or as a dietary supplement. In the study in question, experiments were conducted with recently weaned piglets fed a diet with limited amounts of zinc. It took only ten days for the animals to develop a deficiency.

Symptoms of Zinc Deficiency

When moderate zinc deficiency occurs, there are no visible symptoms, but minor changes can be identified in the liver and blood. When the researchers examined the effects of reduced zinc intake on the animals’ metabolism, they observed that the body tried to optimize absorption while zinc secretion from the pancreas decreased.

It is well known that clinical zinc deficiency reduces appetite, and several hypotheses have been proposed to explain this, including the idea that zinc deficiency may directly affect the vagus nerve. However, the real cause may be much simpler:

– The lack of zinc slows down the breakdown of food, causing it to accumulate in the gastrointestinal tract. This makes one feel less hungry, says Daniel Brugger, a co-author of the study.

Digestion Needs Zinc to Function Normally

The pancreas is the body’s control center for food breakdown and energy absorption. It releases zinc into the gastrointestinal tract to maintain an appropriate level at all times. However, when the body is deficient in zinc, the pancreas reduces its secretion. Daniel Brugger’s hypothesis was that this mechanism might be related to digestion, and this appeared to be correct.

– We have demonstrated a direct correlation between the amount of digestive enzymes in the pancreas and the total zinc level in the body, explains Brugger. Even short-term zinc deficiency should therefore be avoided.

Zinc for Vegans and Vegetarians

Since pigs and humans are physiologically very similar, Brugger’s conclusion is that we should ensure daily zinc intake. He particularly advises vegans, vegetarians, and older individuals to monitor their zinc levels, especially as zinc deficiency increases various inflammatory markers in humans and reduces immunocompetence – the body’s ability to produce a normal immune response when exposed to an antigen.

Foods rich in zinc include seafood, spinach, pumpkin seeds, cocoa, and mushrooms.


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Source: Technincal University of Munich. A diet lacking in zinc is detrimental to human and animal health. Pressmeddelande 2016-09-06.

Studien: Daniel Brugger, Wilhelm M. Windisch. Subclinical zinc deficiency impairs pancreatic digestive enzyme activity and digestive capacity of weaned piglets. British Journal of Nutrition, 2016 Sep;116(5):950-1. doi: 10.1017/S0007114516002683.