Many Fish Oils Are Rancid According to Study
A recently published study from the USA revealed that the three most purchased omega-3 fish oils in the US contain oxidised fatty acids at levels far exceeding recommended limits. High-quality fish oil is extremely important. Quality is, of course, crucial for all types of supplements, not just fish oils, but rancid fatty acids are likely among the worst things you can ingest.
Fish oil contains two long-chain omega-3 fatty acids, EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends an intake of 2–4 g per day of EPA and DHA for individuals with elevated triglyceride levels. EPA and DHA have been shown to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, lower blood pressure, reduce unhealthy blood lipids, combat inflammation, make cell membranes elastic and flexible, and alleviate depression. Omega-3 in the form of EPA and DHA is considered highly important for overall health. Unfortunately, research reveals the following alarming facts:
- Laboratory tests show that the three most purchased fish oils contain oxidised fatty acids at levels far above recommended limits.
- Tests on 35 fish oils show that over 80% contain unacceptable levels of oxidised fatty acids.
- Tests on more than 45 different fish oils show that over 70% contain less EPA and DHA than stated on the label.
The researchers behind the recently published study state that oxidised fatty acids play a key role in atherosclerosis, vascular damage, and insulin resistance, and that consuming oxidised fatty acids also increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as coronary artery disease. Additionally, oxidised fatty acids associated with LDL (low-density lipoprotein) contribute to inflammation, endothelial dysfunction (damage to the inner lining of blood vessels), and atherosclerotic plaque formation.
Small, dense LDL particles are particularly susceptible to oxidation and are more likely to contribute to atherosclerosis compared to large, fluffy LDL particles. The researchers explain that one potential mechanism by which EPA reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease is by decreasing LDL oxidation. However, this function is lost if the otherwise beneficial fatty acids have oxidised, which has occurred in the majority of fish oils on the market.
What Is Tested?
To assess oxidation levels, so-called primary oxidation products, which are various peroxides (highly oxidising chemical compounds), are tested. These are measured as the amount of peroxide groups per kilogram of fat, with the units milli-equivalents (meq) per kg of fat.
The so-called anisidine value is also measured. Anisidine, a derivative of an organic compound called anisole, reacts with secondary oxidation products such as aldehydes and ketones. The total oxidation level of any fish oil is calculated as the peroxide value x 2 + anisidine value.
Recommended maximum values:
- Peroxide value: 5 meq/kg
- Anisidine value: 20 meq/kg
- Total oxidation: 26 meq/kg
The recommended maximum values were significantly exceeded, as shown in the image below. DS1–3 are the tested fish oils, which were the most popular fish oils on the US market.
Why Do We Sell Only Two Fish Oils?
Our philosophy is to offer only the best and nothing else. We are not interested in carrying 10 different fish oils, numerous multivitamin brands, or a wide range of options for the same vitamin or mineral. We specialise in high-end supplements—the Rolls Royce of supplements—and nothing else. We believe that what you put into your body, which affects all your cells, must be of the absolute highest quality. Second or third place simply isn’t good enough.
When it comes to fish oils, it is abundantly clear that most are not only low-quality but also harmful to health. That is why we only sell two different omega-3 supplements:
- Wild Alaskan Sockeye Salmon – Omega-3 (Our premium omega-3)
- ESKIO-3? (An excellent omega-3)
Professor Bo Saldeen researched why some fish oils had positive effects while others did not. He discovered that fish oils oxidise differently depending on how they are processed. One of the most significant findings was that the manufacturing process eliminated the fish’s natural antioxidants, which are substances that protect the sensitive fatty acids. Professor Saldeen developed a method to restore these lost antioxidants, and through meticulous research, the process was refined. The result of his work was Eskimo-3 (now Eskio-3), which is processed with extreme care to minimise and halt oxidation.
Neither Wild Alaskan Sockeye Salmon – Omega-3 nor Eskio-3 are concentrated fish oils. We believe concentrated or high-concentration fish oils should be completely avoided. Our fish oils contain only the natural amounts of omega-3 fatty acids found in the fish. Although Eskio-3 High 65% is a high-concentration fish oil, we have chosen not to include it because we consider Wild Alaskan Sockeye Salmon – Omega-3 and Eskio-3 to be more natural and far superior.
Wild Alaskan Sockeye Salmon – Omega-3 likely has the lowest peroxide value we’ve encountered throughout its shelf life. Eskio-3 also has an extremely low peroxide value during its shelf life, not exceeding 5 meq/kg. The peroxide value over the entire shelf life is crucial. Many other manufacturers show that their fish oil is stable through their own tests, but these tests are usually conducted right after production. What does the peroxide value look like 10, 20, or 60 days—or even 2 years—after production? What happens when the peroxide value is exposed to a 37°C body? Most fish oils become rancid, as research shows.
When it comes to the anisidine value, it’s more complicated because all flavoured fish oils will have a higher anisidine value. Flavouring agents interfere with the analysis, and there is currently no reliable method to measure the anisidine value in flavoured fish oils.
Finally, it’s important to remember that even the best antioxidant system cannot compensate for a poor-quality fish oil derived from a bad raw material. Wild Alaskan Sockeye Salmon – Omega-3 is sourced from wild-caught sockeye salmon from Alaska’s pristine and pure waters. One of the most distinctive features of sockeye salmon is its deep red flesh. This rich, natural red colour comes from a pigment called astaxanthin, found in the crustaceans and plankton the salmon feed on in the ocean. Astaxanthin is a powerful antioxidant that protects the salmon’s omega-3 fatty acids. Sockeye salmon is also rich in vitamin D.
Eskio-3 is sourced from sardines and anchovies, deep-sea fish from the clean waters of the Antarctic Ocean, which follow currents to the waters off the coasts of Peru and Chile. Sardines and anchovies are low on the food chain, have a short natural lifespan, and their populations renew twice a year.
This is why we only sell Wild Alaskan Sockeye Salmon – Omega-3 and Eskio-3, and nothing else when it comes to fish oils. You can find these Omega-3 supplements here.
Scientific references and sources
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