Dehydration during running

Read time: 2-3 min
Dehydration during running

The Importance of Hydration for Runners

Hydration is essential for all bodily functions and plays a particularly important role for runners. It helps regulate body temperature, transport nutrients, and remove waste products. Maintaining a good fluid balance is crucial for performance and injury prevention.

How Much Water Is Needed

The amount of water required varies depending on the individual and the circumstances, but a general guideline is to listen to your body and drink when you feel thirsty. Runners often need more fluids to compensate for the loss through sweating and breathing.

Factors Affecting Fluid Requirements

Several factors influence how much fluid a runner needs, including the intensity and duration of the workout, the ambient temperature, humidity, and personal factors such as body size and the amount of sweat produced.

How You Lose Fluid While Running

  • Sweating: The primary way the body regulates temperature during physical activity.
  • Breathing: During intense exercise, you breathe faster and deeper, which leads to fluid loss through exhalation.
  • Urination: Although urine production decreases during physical activity, fluid is still lost through urination.

Signs of Dehydration

  • Early signs: Thirst, dry mouth, dark urine.
  • Severe symptoms: Dizziness, confusion, reduced performance, cramps.
  • How to recognise them: Pay attention to your body’s signals and act quickly if you notice signs of dehydration.

How Dehydration Affects Your Running

  • Reduced performance: Dehydration can lead to decreased endurance, faster fatigue, and poorer performance.
  • Increased body temperature: Insufficient fluid makes it harder for the body to regulate temperature, which can lead to overheating.
  • Health risks: Severe dehydration can cause heatstroke, cramps, and in extreme cases, unconsciousness or death.

How to Rehydrate Before a Race

  • Preparation the day before: Drink water with electrolytes and avoid alcohol and caffeine, which can cause fluid loss.
  • Hydration on race day: Start the day by drinking water with electrolytes and continue to sip small amounts of water with electrolytes regularly up until the start.
  • Tips for optimal hydration: Drink small amounts of water with electrolytes during the race.

How Much Should I Drink?

  • General guidelines: Drink according to thirst and supplement with some additional water with electrolytes during physical activity.
  • Individual differences: Adjust your fluid intake to suit your personal needs and the intensity of the workout.
  • Adjusting for weather and intensity: In hot weather or during intense exercise, more fluids are typically needed to stay hydrated.

When to Use Electrolyte Supplements

  • Once a day: At least once a day, you should drink water with electrolytes to avoid a deficiency of these essential minerals.
  • During intense workouts: Electrolyte supplements can help prevent imbalances that may cause cramps and fatigue.
  • In hot conditions: High temperatures increase sweating, which can lead to an electrolyte deficiency.
  • To avoid cramps: Electrolytes like sodium, potassium, and magnesium help prevent muscle cramps.

What Are Electrolytes?

  • Functions in the body: Electrolytes are minerals that help balance fluid levels, nerve function, and muscle activity.
  • Key electrolytes: Sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium are some of the most important electrolytes.
  • Signs of electrolyte deficiency: Weakness, fatigue, muscle cramps, and irregular heart rhythm can be signs of a deficiency.
